As well as becoming an expert in fixing fellow students bikes I am simultaneously becoming an expert as breaking my own. Whilst moving rooms in the weekend, using my pack to cart food and clothes and my trusty steed rex, my bike collapsed into a pile of bike bits beneath me. So I borrowed a friends bike and was back in action, only to have the same thing happen the next morning. mint. So tonight has been spent crouched under an outside light in, conveniently enough, the middle of nowhere - which wouldn't be so difficult except for the fact theres nowhere to put down your tools - which wouldn't be so difficult if your tools didn't freeze to the ground after half a minute of inactivity. You learn pretty fast to work pretty fast. I did eventually succeed however, and with my prize strapped to my bike (2kg of meat I'd rescued from my old fridge before the Russian who now occupies my room discovered it), I rode of into what would be the sunset, if the whole thing hadn't taken me so long. Ah victory is sweet.
Rex after a hard days effort
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