But Dylan was right, for the times they are a changin. Ok terrible analogy but in the last week we have seen flashes of green grass appearing all over the landscape - striving desperately for attention amidst the seas of white. It doesn't last long of course - because with the warmer weather comes the snow and with fresh snow falling everyday any evidence of spring is quickly hushed by the blanket of winter. But it doesn't deter those little blades of grass from trying, and for them knowing that in a few weeks they will emerge victorious fuels their motivation more and more as the days tick by.

If you want to see what the weathers like in Sweden though, you don't look outside but inside - at the Swedes themselves. There's no better way to forecast the conditions, for its reflected perfectly in the personality of the locals and I was warned about this before coming but when you have nothing to compare it to its not really clear. Until spring comes. But although the people are getting happier, the ducks are still outta luck..

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