Tuesday, June 16, 2009

You Know You're In Sweden When..

Well like a boy band my time in Sweden has come and gone, but not without leaving its mark. The last few days were a whole bunch of farewells, both to Sarah and to those Ive spent the semester with, and a night hiking through the woods to our uni cabin, all vitamised together into a soup of surreality. I won't say anything more here except thank you Sweden, for providing a canvas upon which to write one of the most dramatic chapters of my life.

Anyway, we all love a good list so to sum her all up here's a guide to clearly illustrate that you know you're in Sweden when..

There's wireless in the local cathedral
You're the only dude on the street without a blond slick-back
Everyone seems to pronounce English better than yourself
People go to a furniture store (Ikea) just to buy a hot dog, then leave
It gets so cold it doesn't snow
It gets so cold the part of your brain that registers that it's cold stops functioning, and instead resorts to hallucinating about food
Every second car is a Volvo
You have the time of you're life

Next stop, Malaysia..

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